
21 June 2010

Al Qaeda Puffery and Other Chuckles

AQ has released another blowhard statement.

In a newly released message, al-Qaeda's U.S.-born spokesman warned President Obama that the group would launch new attacks that would kill more Americans than previous ones.
Adam Gadahn said that comparing the number of dead Muslims "with the relatively small number of Americans we have killed so far, it becomes crystal-clear that we haven't even begun to even the score."

I suppose they're waiting for the right moment? C'mon. If they could even the score, they would've by now. Impotent twits.

As Kung-Fu Money once said: Sack up.

In other amusements, Skippy's List is now a blog, with some very funny stories and reader interactions. I happen to really like the email back to the Marine, expressing sympathy for his latent homosexuality. Certainly worth the humor.

By: Brant


  1. It seems the chuckle is on the US. Why after 9 years the greatest superpower still hasn't won against this handful of blowhard impotent twits?

  2. I guess one question is how to define "victory"...

    if winning = no successful attacks against the US, we're not doing too bad. (not sure this is the best metric)

    if winning = OBL's head on a stick in Times Square, then we got a ways to go... (besides, it wouldn't end the attempted attacks)

    How would you define "winning"?

  3. >if winning = no successful attacks against the US, we're not doing too bad. (not sure this is the best metric)

    That can be accomplished without an occupation of Afghanistan.

    >if winning = OBL's head on a stick in Times Square, then we got a ways to go... (besides, it wouldn't end the attempted attacks)

    The US government lost interest in him a long time ago.

    >How would you define "winning"?

    To stop the waste of US lives and money. To prevent violence against the US. To establish competent, honest and legitimate governments in the Mid-east that support US.
