
23 June 2010

McChrystal Resigns

The drama is now over. General McChrystal has resigned and the President has accepted his resignation. According to various news reports General Petraeus will go back into the field to take command of US forces in Afghanistan.

Earlier this week Rolling Stone Magazine revealed McChrystal and his staff had shared some ill-advised comments regarding both the President and a number of diplomatic staffers involved in Afghanistan.

In those remarks it was clear McChrystal held his civilian bosses and counterparts in low esteem.

Rightly or wrongly, sharing those views publicly was certain to shorten his military career.

Speculation is rampant regarding the reasons behind the release of those comments, and they vary from the culture of Special Forces being less formal in decorum to over-familiarity with the Rolling Stone reporter, which eventually led to sharing some thoughts publicly that should have been held privately.

Regardless of the reasons the deed is done and a change of command is now done.

Let us hope it does not adversely affect American war efforts in the 'Stan.

Image courtesy US Army, Credit: Cherie Cullen.

By: GladiusMagnus

1 comment:

  1. US occupation efforts in Afghanistan are already adversely affected
