
27 July 2010

Mexico Unravels Into War; Border Still Not Closed

Can someone please bring back Blackkack Pershing? He knew how to run a punitive expedition against criminals hiding across the border.

Soldiers in Mexico have uncovered a mass grave with at least 38 bodies in the northern state of Nuevo Leon.

Security forces said an anonymous tip-off led them to the site almost the size of a football pitch.

Investigators believe drug gangs used the remote spot to torture and kill their victims.


Police found blood on an earthen ramp and traces of petrol at the bottom, where victims may have been tortured.

By: Brant

1 comment:

  1. This is a problem that is going to catch us with our pants down and our thumbs up our asses. Think illegal immigration is a problem? Just wait until they become refugees.

    All of the problems exposed by the Washington Post articles with respect to Intel will sound like so much background noise once the inter-agency problems of a failed Mexican state rear their heads.

    If there was ever a 500 pound gorilla standing in the room, this is it.
