
25 August 2010

DADT Being Thoroughly Considered By Military

Recognizing that families have a huge impact on the lives of soldiers, the Pentagon is surveying military spouses on DADT.

A new survey sent to about 150,000 military spouses asks whether they would encourage their husband or wife to leave the military if it repeals the "don't ask, don't tell" policy banning gays and lesbians from openly serving in uniform.

The 44-question survey, distributed Friday, also asks how spouses might behave at social functions on a military base if an openly gay couple attends.

"Your voice is important and we need you to participate," Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates said in a letter accompanying the survey. "The survey is confidential and will enable you to be straightforward and candid in your responses." Spouses have until Sept. 27 to complete the survey, says the Pentagon.

"This survey will help the military leadership assess the impacts, if any, a change in the law commonly known as 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' might have on family readiness and military community life," Defense Department spokeswoman Cynthia Smith said in an e-mail.

The survey asks spouses whether they think their husband or wife has ever worked with a service member they think to be gay and how well they knew the individual. It also asks whether they would want the military to provide them with information if the law is repealed by Congress this year. Options include receiving information about the repeal on military Web sites, through online chats, in-person informational sessions, from military chaplains or counselors or not at all.

Among other questions on the survey:

-- "How important a factor would a repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell be to you in making decisions about your spouse's future in the military?"

-- "Would a repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell affect your willingness to recommend military service to a family member or close friend?"

-- "Assume Don't Ask, Don't Tell is repealed and you live in on-base housing. If a gay or lesbian Service member lived in your neighborhood with their partner, would you stay on-base or would you try to move out?"

-- "Would the attendance of a gay or lesbian Service member with his or her partner affect how often you attend these types of military social events?"

By: Brant

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