
13 October 2010

Morning Headlines: DADT, Terror in Iran, and more

A federal judge has put a stop to discharges under DADT while other sort out the politics of it all.

South Korean naval drills are getting underway soon, and in preparation, there are analysts and experts gathering in Busan.

As if US-Mexican border tensions were bad enough, the Mexican investigator looking into the death of a US citizen on Falcon Lake was decapitated.

No word on whether it was an accident or intentional, but with 18 Revolutionary Guards dead in an ammunition explosion, would you actually expect the truth from the Iranians?

With aircraft cuts looming, one of the UK's Air Marshals warns that England may be vulnerable to a 9/11-style threat. 'Cuz, y'know, armed fighter aircraft were so useful during those hijackings.

By: Brant

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