
08 October 2010

NEWS: Nat'l Security Advisor Resigning (UPDATED)

GEN Jones is resigning.

Gen. James Jones will resign as President Barack Obama's national security adviser and will be replaced by Deputy National Security Adviser Tom Donilon, NBC News confirmed Friday.
The departure is not unexpected. Officials who spoke to the Associated Press on the condition of anonymity said that Jones, whose resignation will be effective in two weeks, had planned from the start of his tenure to leave the position at about the two-year mark.
Obama is expected to make a formal announcement in the Rose Garden at 1 p.m. EDT.

UPDATED: Defense Secretary Robert Gates Statement on National Security Advisor

“I join President Obama in thanking Jim Jones for his outstanding service to the nation. Jim’s willingness to reenter government following a long and distinguished military career has been instrumental to maintaining a steady course on the many vexing security issues we face across the globe. I have thoroughly enjoyed working with General Jones over the past few years. Becky and I extend Jim and his family our best wishes as he once again tries his hand at retirement.

“I also welcome the President’s decision to appoint Tom Donilon as the next National Security Advisor. Tom brings a wealth of experience and seasoning into this critical position, particularly from his current tenure as Deputy National Security Advisor. As I can attest from firsthand experience, Tom has been in one of the toughest jobs in Washington and done it well.

“I value the good working relationship I have with Tom and the rest of the Obama national security team and look forward to continuing our collaboration in tackling the many pressing security challenges facing our nation.”

By: Brant

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