
03 August 2011

GameTalk - Economics (re-run!)

(note: we are re-running this post, because it got no previous comments because no one knew what the hell the GameTalk series was all about back then...)

At what level do economic concerns enter wargames? Where do military events affect economic concerns such that they feed back into the military capabilities? How do you model economic effects in games that are primarily about military exchanges?

What are some un/successful military-economic model integrations you've seen and what are others you'd like to see? Where have designers got it right, and where have they just flubbed beyond belief? What's the lowest echelon where you've seen economics integrated? Have you seen any essentially economic games with a military component grafted on?

By: Brant


  1. and... upon re-run, there's still no commentary. I guess this one's a dead issue, eh folks?

  2. No, I wanted to comment on this at length but have no time right now. Trust me, other people are thinking about this too....

  3. Simple. If you are fighting a battle and given all your toys to fight with, then no econ required. If you are going to break toys, buy/improve your toys while engaged in a prolonged affair (large delta time and/or distances) then you need econ and infrastructure models to support bringing new toys to the fight. Therefore the Battle of Midway needs no econ. The battle for the Pacific does.
    My two cents.
