
14 May 2011

Mandatory Mention of MMOWGLI

Look, I'm not a huge fan of the MMOWGLI concept, but it's a professional wargame and it's getting a lot of attention, so I feel the need to talk about it. However, rather than talk too much, I'm going to throw out a link-fest you can chase around, and see if you come to similar conclusions to mine, or something radically different.

WIRED's coverage is being run through Danger Room.

PaxSims takes a break from sightseeing in Estonia to offer a pirate-themed headline.

GamePolitics actually knows something about wargaming and offers some intelligent commentary, focused on, y'know - training and all - unlike the PC Mag weenies who think the Navy is actually fighting pirates with MMOWGLI instead of just training to.

Here's the DoD's own propaganda release.

Oh, and I guess we'll send you to the official MMOWGLI site, too.

Here's the link to the original government solicitation, as well.

By: Brant


  1. It would be interesting to hear why you aren't a huge fan of the concept.

  2. Right now there are virtually no controls over who participates. Do you really want the option that some random 'flash mob' decides to make an artistic statement and influence the outcome of the scenario?

    While there are certainly legitimate criticisms of BOGSAT wargames - the insularity of the BOGs being one of the key problems - opening it up to a BORPSAC (Bunch Of Random People Sitting Around Computers) doesn't seem to solve the problems of the BOGSAT and instead seems to introduce too many others of its own.
