
21 February 2013

The DoD's New Intel Agency

Because apparently our problem is that we don't have enough spies, we now have the Defense Clandestine Service.

The world's newest spy agency is now open for business. The Defense Clandestine Service now has its own website, a motto, and, finally, money from Congress to operate. The DCS, in its own words, "conducts human intelligence (HUMINT) operations to answer national-level defense objectives for the President, the Secretary of Defense, and senior policy-makers." DCS case officers "conduct source operations in every region of the world, alone or in teams. They use their innate intellect, flexibility and creativity — augmented by knowledge of the culture and comprehensive training — to recruit and manage HUMINT sources whose information answers national-level defense objectives."

By: Brant


  1. What we didn't have enough of was organizational silos and interdepartmental rivalries and poor coordination. But this will fix all that!

  2. "we" who, mon Canadian frere? ;)

  3. No no no, they're not "organizational silos", they're "cylinders of excellence"!

