
26 September 2006

Clinton vs Rice

Condi Rice claims that the Bush administration in the first 8 months of their time in office did at least as much as the Clintons over several years to kill Bin Laden.
"What we did in the eight months was at least as aggressive as what the Clinton administration did in the preceding years," Rice said during a meeting with editors and reporters at the New York Post.

Here's all you need to know about that claim:
Number of cruise missile strikes directed at Bin Laden-sponsored training camps during the first 8 months of Bush's administration: 0.

1 comment:

  1. Yah, numerous attacks by the Clinton Administration against bin Laden's camps led to the following:

    The death of numerous camels and mass devastation of thousands of dollars worth of empty tents.

    Bin Laden wept copious tears.

    Oh, Bubba did kill that innocent Sudanese nightwatchman. Good on Ya, Billy Boy!!!

    Try again, libtard. Condi smoked your asses, today. It wasn't even close.
