
02 February 2010

Sayonara HMMWV?

Looks like the HMMWV has come to the end of its road.
It’s with great sadness that I report to you that Pentagon Comptroller Robert Hale just said at his briefing that 2010 would be the last year that the Pentagon would buy the venerable High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle.

Budget documents released today show that the the Pentagon is devoting about $1 million to replace war losses of Humvees, but will buy none over and above the current numbers. The Pentagon budgeted for about 8,000 Humvees in FY 2010 to the tune of $1.3 billion.

By: Brant


  1. This is more shortsightedness wrapped in new-toy syndrome. The HMMWV meets the operational need in EVERY fight except this one, and even in this one it provides the same protection against 3 155 shells as an M1.(or the M-ATV). I would also be curious as to what 1.2 Billion in R&D funds for AM General would have done to upgrade the current HMMWV fleet to meet the IED threat.

    Again, I am not some sappy sentimentalist who loved his M48 and never wanted the M1. I just know that HMMWV took me ANYWHERE I wanted to go, and in the uparmor configuration provides the community policing size with sufficient armor for most non-IED-the-size-of-a-horse threats.

  2. Anyone want to bet a beer that the JLTV will be cancelled after many years of fruitless development because the services won't be able to agree on a set of requirements that are: a) feasible, b) affordable, and c) acceptable to all of the services?

  3. I'm with Guardian on this one. The next one will suffer from featuritis until it gets too expensive, gets FCS'ed out of development, and we limp HMMWV's along for another 10-15 years.
