
07 February 2010

Surge in Afghanistan? Send in Everyone!

There's an impending joint operation in Helmand, featuring the US Army, USMC, British Army, ANA, and anyone else who gets too close. We'll update the reorts as we can get them.

Why announce it? GEN McChrystal has his reasons.
The success of a planned major U.S.-Afghan offensive in the south depends on how quickly troops and civilian development workers can get public services up and running once the Taliban have been driven away, the top U.S. and NATO commander said Sunday.
The military has widely publicized the upcoming offensive in Marjah — the biggest Taliban-held community in the south — although the precise date for the attack in Helmand province remains classified.
Gen. Stanley McChrystal said the element of surprise is not as important as letting Marjah's estimated 80,000 residents know that an Afghan government is on its way to replace Taliban overlords and drug traffickers.
"We're trying to create a situation where we communicate to them that when the government re-establishes security, they'll have choices," McChrystal said.

By: Brant

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