
12 October 2010

Nork Non-Heir Nixes Neophyte Nepotism

Apparently King Jong Il's oldest son doesn't think much of his younger brother taking over. Maybe because he tossed his chance aside for a trip to Disney...?

Image: BBC
Would you want this guy running your country?

The eldest son of North Korean leader Kim Jong-il says he opposes a dynastic succession that would see his younger half-brother take power.

Kim Jong-un, the youngest son, has been unveiled as the nation's heir apparent, appearing alongside his father at a series of recent high-profile events.

His elder brother, Kim Jong-nam, 39, lives overseas in China and Macau.

The eldest son of North Korean leader Kim Jong-il says he opposes a dynastic succession that would see his younger half-brother take power.

Kim Jong-un, the youngest son, has been unveiled as the nation's heir apparent, appearing alongside his father at a series of recent high-profile events.

His elder brother, Kim Jong-nam, 39, lives overseas in China and Macau.

By: Brant

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