
10 October 2010

Order of Battle: 3d UK Division

This weekend's unit is the British Army's 3rd Division


The 3rd Division is the only operational (Ready) Division in the UK. The Division has a mix of capabilities encompassing Armoured and Wheeled elements in its three Brigades.

In the diagram we have shown 16 Air Assault Brigade as being part of 3rd Division purely as an example of how this formation might be deployed. 16 Air Assault Brigade is under the command of the Joint Helicopter Command (JHC). However, the JHC is not an Operational Headquarters and for operations, 16 Air Assault Brigade will probably be detached to under command of HQ Allied Rapid Reaction Corps, PJHQ, HQ 1 Division, HQ 3 Division or HQ 6 Division.

(1) 1 Mechanised Brigade.
(2) 19 Brigade has re-roled to become a Light Brigade and is now ready for deployment in this role, where it serves as the contingent NATO response force.
(3) Divisional Artillery Group Artillery Regiment with Multi Launch Rocket System (if allocated), UAVs, Close Support Artillery plus Rapier and HVM Air Defence systems when required.
(4) Army Air Corps Regiment with Lynx & Gazelle (from Joint Helicopter Command as required); The composition of this division allows the UK MoD to retain a balanced force for out of NATO area operations.
(5) 11 Light Brigade has been reformed to assume command of the planned Operation Herrick deployment to Afghanistan in late 2009. The Brigade headquarters is in Aldershot and the Brigade is formed using units from existing formations. It is planned to disband 11 Light Brigade in 2010 on its return from Afghanistan.

By: Brant

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