
13 October 2010

Recruiting and Retention Numbers for FY 2010

The DoD has released the Recruiting and Retention Numbers for Fiscal 2010

DOD Announces Recruiting and Retention Numbers for Fiscal 2010

The Department of Defense announced today its recruiting and retention statistics for the active and reserve components for fiscal 2010.

Active Component.

Recruiting. All four active services met or exceeded their accession goals for fiscal 2010.
- Army – 74,577 accessions with a goal of 74,500; 100 percent
- Navy – 34,180 accessions with a goal of 34,140; 100 percent
- Marine Corps – 28,041 accessions with a goal of 28,000; 100 percent
- Air Force – 28,493 accessions with a goal of 28,360; 100 percent

- Retention. Three of the four services met or exceeded their overall retention goals, with the Air Force achieving 98 percent.

Reserve Component.

- Recruiting. Five out of six reserve components met or exceeded fiscal 2010 recruiting goal, with the Army National Guard intentionally missing its recruiting goal to stay within end strength constraints.

- Army National Guard –57,204 accessions with a goal of 60,000; 95 percent
- Army Reserve –26,810 accessions with a goal of 26,000; 103 percent
- Navy Reserve –6,669 accessions with a goal of 6,654; 100 percent
- Marine Corps Reserve –10,077 accessions with a goal of 8,043; 125 percent
- Air National Guard –6,983 accessions with a goal of 6,430; 109 percent
- Air Force Reserve –9,604 accessions with a goal of 9,135; 105 percent

- Attrition. Losses in all reserve components are within acceptable limits.

By: Brant

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