
09 November 2010

GrogNews Daily Headlines

Delayed by the endlessly-rebooting laptop... grrrr....

It looks like the express-post industry would hate to have cargo screening - and flight safety - interfere with corporate profits.

If the US sits on the new START treaty, they may pay for it in lack of cooperation from Russia elsewhere.

A Republican defending the cost of the President's trip to India? Oh, and it's not $200 million/day. Hell, the war in Afghanistan is only $180 mil/day.

And for that price, we ought to know whether or not we're succeeding in Khandahar.

The Israelis sure no how to dial down the tension, huh? Like announcing they plan to build a crapload of homes in Arab East Jersusalem.

Is China trying to spike a UN report about Nork nuke dealings?

By: Brant

1 comment:

  1. In my province a few months ago the government introduced some tough anti drinking and driving laws. They seemed to be working well in that quite a few more people were being caught, presumably saving some lives or averting some accidents (I know, it's difficult to prove a negative). But it's been cutting into the profits of bars and pubs (restaurants that primarily serve alcohol), a sector of industry that has given a lot of money to the ruling party, so now the solicitor-general is going to "look into the regulations".

    It's so transparent it's disgusting. This is not about screening against something that might happen one day, it's about trying to reduce something that happens every day.
