
27 May 2011

Random Friday Wargaming: Greenline Chechnya

An older Miranda design from GameFix Magazine, Greenline: Chechnya is tough to find, but is worth it for two reasons. First, it can be played solo, which is nice; second, it was one of the first games to dig into the Central Asia conflicts as they were happening, and had some eerily predictive elements to it.

You can find a copy at Noble Knight Games, and some other places around the web.

CSW has a consolidated thread for all the different Chechnya games, so you have to dig around to find to comments.

Master links/images from; message boards linked to Consimworld. Other links to the actual game pages...

By: Brant

1 comment:

  1. That's an interesting game. Though I have studied it more than most I find Chechen conflicts scary and confusing. Arkady Babchenko's book remains a favourite, if that is the right word. Chechnya is in Europe.
