
02 October 2011

Dubious Legality of the Killing of Anwar al-Awlaki,

There are differences when you target Americans, and killing them can change the legality of the actions being taken. It's OK to whack non-Americans, but once you start targeting US citizens, that's not acceptable.

President Barack Obama steered the nation's war machine into uncharted territory Friday when a U.S. drone attacked a convoy in Yemen and killed two American citizens who had become central figures in al-Qaida.
It was believed to be the first instance in which a U.S. citizen was tracked and executed based on secret intelligence and the president's say-so. And it raised major questions about the limitations of presidential power.
Anwar al-Awlaki, the target of the U.S. drone attack, was one of the best-known al-Qaida figures after Osama bin Laden. American intelligence officials had linked him to two nearly catastrophic attacks on U.S.-bound planes, an airliner on Christmas 2009 and cargo planes last year. The second American killed in the drone attack, Samir Kahn, was the editor of Inspire, a slick online magazine aimed at al-Qaida sympathizers in the West.

By: Brant

1 comment:

  1. The President gave the order to have an American citizen killed without due process, yet Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, a non-citizen, is given every opportunity to be afforded a "fair trial" in the US court system.

    POTUS and all involved are guilty of conspiracy to commit murder. "Just following orders" didn't cut it at Nuremberg, and should not cut it here. Why bother having courts when the President of the United States can issue death warrants himself which are carried out immediately and without remorse?

    If this was George Bush ordering the killing of an American citizen, he would be impeached and the United Nations would use it as an opportunity to issue criminal charges at the World Court. But it is Barack Hussein Obama II, who is aggressively employing the very tactics he decried while running for the office.

    Democrats literally get away with murder.
