
04 October 2011

Sound Off! GPS or Map & Compass

Which one are you?

I want my GPS! I always know exactly where I am and where I'm headed, and there's more than enough batteries to go around

I want my map and compass! I'm old-school and paper is the only way for me. Let me decide where to go and how to get there.

Sound off in the comments below!

By: Brant


  1. Gee, you have to ask this old infantryman here?
    Map n' compass, always and ever.
    Satellites get shot down or jammed or spoofed, but the North Magnetic Pole isn't going offline any time soon.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Old school, unless a bomb is involved. :)

  4. Old school, even for this technophile. There is an elegance to navigating with a map and compass.

  5. Map and Compass, all the way. I can still find my way when your batteries are dead.

  6. I wonder how much of the affinity for map-and-compass among the wargamers is related to their love of all things maps...

    I'm curious too what a younger generation might think. let's face it - most of our readership skews over 30, and probably older than that.

  7. Due to the over-reliance on all things GPS, not certain how much of the younger generation would hold a map and compass in esteem compared to us old geezer grunts who had not else to work with if you don't count the stars. ;)

  8. Brant, you're involved with Scouts aren't you - do they teach much map-and-compass still?

  9. "do they teach much map-and-compass still?"

    They do at our Pack :)

  10. Map and compass is still a requirement for rank advancement in the Boy Scouts.

    zionise? That's the captcha word? Wow.

  11. I don't get to pick the captchas guys :P
