02 December 2009

JSF on thin ice in UK?

Following up our earlier article about JSF source code problems:

The Pentagon isn't going to share the JSF source code

The Pentagon, after years and years of deliberation and heavy pressure from Britain, has finally decided it will not share the all-important computer source code for the Joint Strike Fighter.

Sharing source code would, in the words of one close observer of the program, “turn the British JSF into a Trojan Horse.” The message this source would send the British: “Yes we love you… but who are those third party nationals from the EU working for you? And how do we know we can trust them?”

British officials had threatened to pull out of the program if the US did not share the source code, but they are unlikely to go that far given how much political and financial capital they have committed to the project. There is also the fact, as one congressional source noted, that the British want what is commonly called the ITAR treaty approved by the Senate.

By: Brant

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