27 January 2011

GrogNews Daily Headlines

The Pentagon is having to fight the new Republican legislators on their proposed military cuts. Hey, gotta bring home the pork, right?

The US and Japan are holding joint war games focused on ballistic missile threats, among other things.

Dugway Proving Ground was in a lockdown, and has now reopened.

The Afghan police are saying they'll round up the culprits in a Taliban stoning that was caught on a cell phone video, in which several faces are clearly identifiable. The problem isn't the stoning guys... Lock 'em up and throw away the key if you want; drop 'em off a very high bridge. Really, who cares? Do you really think it'll deter the illiterate-and-proud-of-it Islamonutjobs from acting like it's still the 8th century, only with AK47s?

You know what, it's a bad day to be a MidEast despot... First, Tunisia is coming apart at the seams, and anti-government protests are catching on like a fever, as Egypt's unrest enters a third day, and now Yemen is getting into the act, as thousands of protesters there call on the president to make like a tree and leave.

One wonders if the drug catapult discovered on the Mexico border would eligible for the annual Punkin' Chunkin'....

The DHS is finally ending the absurd and perpetually-yellow DHS to color-coded ‘Threat Level’ advisories. No more Bert & Ernie level threats...

By: Brant

1 comment:

Shelldrake said...

I saw the Dugway lockdown story the other day and immediately thought "This is the start of the zombie apocalypse!" How sick is that?!