
14 June 2011

Happy Birthday to the US Army

On this day in 1775, the US Army was founded. Been kicking ass ever since.

The June 14 date is when Congress adopted "the American continental army" after reaching a consensus position in The Committee of the Whole. This procedure and the desire for secrecy account for the sparseness of the official journal entries for the day. The record indicates only that Congress undertook to raise ten companies of riflemen, approved an enlistment form for them, and appointed a committee (including Washington and Schuyler) to draft rules and regulations for the government of the army. The delegates' correspondence, diaries, and subsequent actions make it clear that they really did much more.

If you're one of our readers who's served in the Army, sound off below and let us know when and where you got your boots dirty. And thanks for your service.

By: Brant


  1. 84-94, split between Korea (twice!) and Ft Carson. Painted our tanks tan and still didn't get to go to First Gulf War.

  2. Talk about endurance - And I was lucky enough to keep my boots relatively clean

  3. 67-72, some in vietnam, some in georgia, some in germaney

  4. 1-16 IN in Desert Sheild/Storm. Spent most of it with a wrnench in my and a bad set of road wheels on my track. Lots of time at Fort Riley on either side of that
