02 August 2011

Connections 2011, Day 2, Morning Panel

Today's Agenda

0800 - 0810 Welcome

0810 - 0950 Keynotes Panel, Moderator: Matt Caffrey
Speakers: James F. Dunnigan, Dr. Peter P. Perla, Dr. Richard Andres

1010 - 1130 Advances in Wargaming Panel, Co-chairs: Brian Guillory & Joseph Miranda
Speakers: Dr. Roger Mason, Beyond the Battle of the Bulge, Volko Ruhnke; "Boardgaming Politics in War"; Brian Train, Ploughing in the COIN Field

I was at the head table for this one, but will link back to the talks when we get to them. There was a lot of great material here. Dr Mason talked about how to sell yourself as a wargamer. Mr Ruhnke covered the development of terrorism in wargaming and getting at the roots of "why terror"? Mr Train talked about the development of different COIN wargames and how that model could be built out to other things.

By: Brant

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