11 August 2010

The Case of the Missing GrogNews Photos/Video

Hey everyone - just a note as you go through the archives here. There were a bunch of photos, slideshows, and videos that were hosted over at social.consimworld.com for us (shared there, later re-posted here). Well some internet twit (pretty sure it was Wittman) decided to take his rage out on me, despite my having retreated from the discussion, and spoofed a message from me to the moderator at CSW requesting my account be deleted. To John's credit, he recognized the error and reinstated my account, but that doesn't reinstate all the photos, videos, etc. that I had hosted there. Unfortunately, many of the photos, videos, and comments/captions I no longer have, either, so the play-by-play of the game playtesting, the videos of Origins, and the photos from things like Modern Day Marine and IITSEC may be gone for good.

The funny thing is, in my rage against the internet discussion/forum world, I was really much more pissed off at a lot of other people than him. But he was in the list of folks I specifically mentioned when I told the entire internet to kiss off (in slightly more profane terms) so I guess he felt the need to retaliate, even though there were other members of the forums not named "Brant" who were on his case much more heavily.

Sorry 'bout all this, and we'll start rebuilding our photo / video archives as we can.

By: Brant


Anonymous said...

I see you made a personal attack against me on consimworld, typical of cowards like yourself.

Guess its typical of the decline of the US military, I would have never served with a loser like you.

Anonymous said...

Only a loser posts anonymously!

wait, what?

Anonymous said...

having used my name, it just made it easier for you to make a cowardly personal attack

Shelldrake said...

Bummer - hope that nothing is gone for good.

Anonymous said...

pistols in the morning.

Anonymous said...

I gotta say that I can't argue with Brant's dissatisfaction with all the negativity. Seems like a lot of the comments left here on GN were people just being dicks instead engaging in conversations.

Anonymous said...

They arrest you for getting in fist fights, so primitive man has no where else to go other than the web to pick fights for no reason (except perhaps to fill the great psychological void created by their inability to get laid). Wittman is a twit who's been booted from most reputable sites, so hopefully he'll return to bar brawling (it's unlikely he can afford a hooker).

Spike said...

I have a feeling the first few "anonymouses" are Walt... the curious part about this is that Brant's eruption of frustration over at social.csw was already gone before his post here ever went up explaining the missing images/videos. And the duplicate post at talk.csw isn't mentioned in this article at all.

Makes you wonder how much Walt is stalking Brant around the interwebs, eh?