05 August 2010

NEWS: DOJ Rounds Up Somali Jihad-abe's

14 people were picked up by DOJ today and charged with trying to join a terror group. NBC reports:

Fourteen people have been charged with providing support for the terrorist group al-Shabab in Somalia, Attorney General Eric Holder announced Thursday.
Holder said the charges reflect a disturbing trend that leaders in Muslim communities in the United States are try to help law enforcement agencies address.
Most of the people are U.S. citizens, with some supporting the terrorist organization from the United States and others traveling to Somalia to do so, the indictments allege.
"While our investigations are ongoing around the country, these arrests and charges should serve as an unmistakable warning to others considering joining or supporting terrorist groups like al-Shabaab: if you choose this route you can expect to find yourself in a U.S. jail cell or a casualty on the battlefield in Somalia," Holder said.

By: Brant

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