Not much more to say about that subject, so let's get to the games. I'm unaware of any games specifically covering Paul Revere's Ride, so instead let's look at some games covering the American Revolution.
Games To Set The Mood
It wouldn't be proper to celebrate Paul Revere without a tip of the hat to a game named after his famous (though incorrect, according to Fischer) cry. The British Are Coming are rules for a miniatures game set during the conflict.
Liberty is Columbia Games' take on the conflict. True to form, it has their hallmark blocks. For those who enjoy Columbia Games' stuff, this is worth a look.
We The People is a throwback to almost-classic Avalon Hill era gaming. Card driven with some dice rolling, it set the standard for a break from pure hex-based games.
PC Games
A recent trend in PC Gaming has led to a rich variety of PC games set during the American War of Independence. For Liberty! is not to be missed. Created by no less than a Hungarian developer, this is one of those surprises well worth checking into.
Not to be left out of the mix, no less than a French developer/publisher, AGEOD, picked up the topic, too, and has been praised for its efforts. Birth of America is another can't miss PC game.
Lastly, Birth of America 2 is an updated version of Birth of America. "Great, more of the same!" is its mantra. Worth checking out, too.

By: GladiusMagnus
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