15 April 2010

Economic Warfare's Toll on the US?

If there was a major war with the US, what economic effects would we se?

So if we have to fight a major war at some point in the future, where would we get the money? Note that during World War II we raised taxes to unprecedented levels, and we still needed the above unprecedented borrowing. Note also that Greece's national debt is at 113% of GDP, and the bond market is telling them no mas.

So if we find ourselves in another major war, would the bond markets allow us to do what we did during World War II, on top of what President Obama and Congressional Democrats are already doing with budget deficits and the national debt? In particular, would the Communist Chinese really lend us the money to fight the war by buying the bonds necessary to fund it? Would whoever we are fighting sit by with equanimity and just watch them provide us with the money? Or would they more likely ally with the Communist Chinese to cut us off? And what if we are at war with the Communist Chinese themselves, and their allies, which could include Iran and North Korea, if not Russia?

Suppose the war looks like this. Iran attacks Israel, China attacks Taiwan and Japan, North Korea attacks South Korea, and Russia attacks Ukraine and Poland. America gets the money from where to respond to this? The defense builddown Obama is pursuing is adequate to do what in response to this?

Okay, this is a scenario for World War III. Is it okay that we soon will not have the defense or the financial resources to fight World War III? Is that the goal of Barack Obama, George Soros, and their assorted leftist fellow travelers?

By: Brant

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