12 April 2010

Monday Video: Special Edition - WikiLeaks Video Deconstructed

This week's "bang" is a bit different. The WikiLeaks "Collateral Murder" video caused a huge stir. However, the video doesn't tell the whole story. There is a second version of the video includes footage edited out of the original by the WikiLeaks folks. It also includes significant new subtitling that explain the action rather differently than the WikiLeaks guys did.

Here are both videos, side-by-side.
The rebuttal is from the posting on LiveLeak, as YouTube kept dicking around the posting of the rebuttal.
From MountainRunner:
The "rebuttal" video was removed from YouTube for "violation of the YouTube Community Guidelines." The cause of action: "graphic or gratuitous violence is not allowed in YouTube videos." The "rejection notice" at right was sent by someone close to the "rebuttal". Neither Collateral Murder nor the unedited video have been removed from YouTube. It appears the "rebuttal" video is a clear victim of manipulation by supporters of Collateral Murder or its cause. The method was social media's "democratic" ability to suppress or silence opposing viewpoints by flagging content as inappropriate, a feature in YouTube that is often used by insurgent and terrorist propagandists. Conversely, content can be promoted and rise to the top of search results with a "thumbs up." Jillian York has documented the same silencing technique on Facebook.

YouTube finally put it back up, but fuck'em - if you're not going to play fair, I don't have to play with you. How this affects future Monday Videos remains to be seen.
edit: LiveLeak's embed doesn't work right now, so we're stuck with YouTube's version and hoping it doesn't get shanked again

Original WikiLeaks video:

Rebuttal video (this time from YouTube, b/c LiveLeak's won't embed properly)

Sorry to pull you from your usual Monday morning fun, but this was too important to ignore.

By: Brant

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