14 October 2010

Signs of Success in Eastern Afghanistan

The CG of the 101st has a positive assessment of the situation.

Maj. Gen. John Campbell said Wednesday the coalition forces he commands in eastern Afghanistan have stopped the momentum of the insurgents there.

Campbell, commander of the 101st Airborne Division at Fort Campbell, briefed reporters at the Pentagon via video link from Bagram Air Force Base in Afghanistan. He was joined by French Brig. Gen. Pierre Chavancy, who leads a French brigade under Campbell’s command.

“We believe we do have the right strategy. We have the right forces now,” Campbell said. “We have an opportunity now to truly make a difference.”

Regional Command East, which Campbell leads, includes 14 provinces and encircles Kabul, the capital city. It is the second largest regional command in the country with about 32,000 personnel.

Captured insurgents say they’ve had trouble getting materials for improvised explosive devices and morale is low, Campbell said.

“Every time they’ve tried a spectacular attack we’ve crushed them,” he said.

By: Brant

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