09 January 2010

Really, Rudy? Is senility setting in?

So Rudy Giuliani apparently had an attack of the stupids, claiming that President Bush had a perfect track record in preventing attacks, unlike President Obama.
On "Good Morning America" Friday, the former New York mayor declared, "We had no domestic attacks under Bush; we've had one under Obama."
Not only does the statement suggest Giuliani does not remember the devastating attack in his own city, it also omits the anthrax attacks and the attempted shoe bomber attack.

Now I don't know what anyone else thinks, but this is such an over-the-top blatantly partisan political ploy that it's embarrassing for us on Giuliani's behalf. Whatever other cringeworthy moments he's had since then (his divorce, his dreadful one-note Presidential "campaign"), his performance on 9-11 and immediately afterwards are still worthy of praise. This statement, though, should require a quick and very public apology from the Rudy, as he's completely wrong and quite idiotic in his intentions.

By: Brant

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