24 June 2010

Decisive Action @ Origins (Consolidated Image Thread)

Running a division-level staff exercise on the NTC map. There are actually a lot of people here for this one (12!)...

Briefing slides for the division mission. Cick to enlarge where you can read them.

Logistics briefing during mission analysis

The maneuver map

The commander briefs his subordinate brigade commanders.

We had enough people for this one that the staff/commanders broke down as follows:

XO (really the CofS, but called XO for simplicity)
Ass't S2
Ass't S3
Ass't Fires
Ass't S4
1/55 BDE CDR
2/55 BDE CDR
3/55 BDE CDR

We intentionally kept the BDE CDR's segregated during the MDMP to force the CO/XO to push info to them and gave the BDE CDR's some ideas about what to ask for and how to ask for it.

While the exercise barely got into the shooting phase, the guys learned a lot about just trying to get everyone in the division lined up and moving in the same direction.


where are the videos?! Funny you should ask. Read this for the full skinny

S2 Battle Update Brief (S2 is in bright green shirt at the maps):

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S3 Battle Update Brief (S3 is in the white shirt on the left):

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S4 Battle Update Brief (S4 is in the white hat in the middle):

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