06 June 2010

Order of Battle: Italy's Blackshirts

The infamous Blackshirt fascist militia of Mussolini's Italy were organized along quasi-Roman lines, hoping to recapture some of their forefathers' prowess.

Zona (zone) = division
Legione (legion) = regiment, each legion was a militia unit consisting of a small active cadre and a large reserve of civilian volunteers.
Coorte (cohort) = battalion
Centuria (centuria) = company
Manipolo (maniple)= platoon
Squadra (squad) = squad
These units were also organized on the triangular principle as follows:
3 squadre = 1 manipolo (maniple)
3 manipoli = 1 centuria (centurie)
3 centurie = 1 coorte (cohort)
3 coorti = 1 legione (legion)
3 legioni = 1 divisioni (field division)
3 or more legioni = 1 zona (zone - an administrative division)

By: Brant

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