05 November 2010

GrogNews Daily Headlines

Great, our intel agencies have infiltrated al Qaeda. Now let's tell the world about it!

Saying that the military missed the warning signs about the Ft Hood shooter is like saying they didn't see a thunderstorm coming in the desert. You almost have to willfully ignore it and hope it goes away. Can we stop playing games of political correctness when lives are in the balance?

Julian ASSange may seek asylum in Switzerland.

The South Korean military has banned a variety of books - such as Noam Chomsky's work - claiming they are subversive and create sympathy for the Norks.

Another day in Islam, another suicide bombing. This one killed 50 at a Sufi mosque in Pakistan.

How will national security policy be affected by Republican gains in the recent election?

YouTube has pulled down videos of US/Yemeni jihadist cleric.

By: Brant

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