15 October 2010

BUB: UK Defence Updates

Despite a "black hole" in the budget to the tune of 3.3 bn - yes, with a "b" - pounds, the MoD is still paying 2.7bn for unwanted Typhoons, on top of the cost over-runs for the aircraft carriers. And yet, William Hague is convinced that the UK will remain a first-rate military power.

David Cameron is adding a former military officer to his political team. And GEN Petraeus is paying a visit to the Prime Minister and to Linda Norgrove's family, both to discuss the botched rescue of the British aid worker.

In Afghanistan, UK troops are ramping up their training of Afghan security forces. And the handover of Task Force Helmand from 4th Mechanized Brigade to 16 Air Assault Brigade was marked with a formal dinner.

By: Brant

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