TIME | Lecture
Historical | Lecture
Modern | Third Room |
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Wed 1700 | (nothing yet - stay tuned) | (nothing yet - stay tuned) | (nothing yet - stay tuned) |
Wed 1800 | (nothing yet - stay tuned) | (nothing yet - stay tuned) | Staff Wargaming
Battles from the Bulge |
Wed 1900 | (nothing yet - stay tuned) | (nothing yet - stay tuned) | Staff Wargaming
Battles from the Bulge |
Wed 2000 | (nothing yet - stay tuned) | (nothing yet - stay tuned) | Staff Wargaming
Battles from the Bulge |
Wed 2100 | (nothing yet - stay tuned) | (nothing yet - stay tuned) | Staff Wargaming
Battles from the Bulge |
Wed 2200 | (nothing yet - stay tuned) | (nothing yet - stay tuned) | (nothing yet - stay tuned) |
Wed 2300 | (nothing yet - stay tuned) | (nothing yet - stay tuned) | (nothing yet - stay tuned) |
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Thu 0900 | | Sterrett
Training with Games: Core Concepts | (nothing yet - stay tuned) |
Thu 1000 | Robinson
The Lion's Share
Colonialism in the Victorian Age | (nothing yet - stay tuned) | (nothing yet - stay tuned) |
Thu 1100 | Robinson
The Lion's Share
Colonialism in the Victorian Age | (nothing yet - stay tuned) | Staff Wargaming
Flashpoint Germany |
Thu 1200 | (nothing yet - stay tuned) | (nothing yet - stay tuned) | Staff Wargaming
Flashpoint Germany |
Thu 1300 | (nothing yet - stay tuned) | (nothing yet - stay tuned) | Staff Wargaming
Flashpoint Germany |
Thu 1400 | (nothing yet - stay tuned) | (nothing yet - stay tuned) | Staff Wargaming
Flashpoint Germany |
Thu 1500 | (nothing yet - stay tuned) | Galope
Use of Strategic Gaming for Adult Education | (nothing yet - stay tuned) |
Thu 1600 | McDonagh & Robinson
Steam to Steel:Late 18th Century Naval Developments | Panel
Designing for Effect
Military Games and Sims for Professional Training | (nothing yet - stay tuned) |
Thu 1700 | McDonagh & Robinson
Steam to Steel:Late 18th Century Naval Developments | Panel
Designing for Effect
Military Games and Sims for Professional Training | (nothing yet - stay tuned) |
Thu 1800 | (nothing yet - stay tuned) | (nothing yet - stay tuned) | Staff Wargaming
Fighting a Strategic Counterinsurgency |
Thu 1900 | (nothing yet - stay tuned) | McDonagh
Investigating the Chenonan Attack | Staff Wargaming
Fighting a Strategic Counterinsurgency |
Thu 2000 | Engle
The Paris Commune and the Birth of the 3rd Republic | (nothing yet - stay tuned) | Staff Wargaming
Fighting a Strategic Counterinsurgency |
Thu 2100 | (nothing yet - stay tuned) | (nothing yet - stay tuned) | Staff Wargaming
Fighting a Strategic Counterinsurgency |
Thu 2200 | (nothing yet - stay tuned) | (nothing yet - stay tuned) | (nothing yet - stay tuned) |
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Fri 0900 | Abrams
The Roman Republic After Cannae | McDonagh
19th Century Submarine Warfare | Staff Wargaming
Naval Warfare |
Fri 1000 | Abrams
The Roman Republic After Cannae | McDonagh
19th Century Submarine Warfare | Staff Wargaming
Naval Warfare |
Fri 1100 | (nothing yet - stay tuned) | Desy
Revolution in the Arab World, Middle East, and Beyond. | Staff Wargaming
Naval Warfare |
Fri 1200 | T.Powell
The Voronezh Front Summer Offensive 1943 | Desy
Revolution in the Arab World, Middle East, and Beyond. | Staff Wargaming
Naval Warfare |
Fri 1300 | (nothing yet - stay tuned) | Galope
COIN Intelligence Collection in Iraq: Non
Military Measures | (nothing yet - stay tuned) |
Fri 1400 | (nothing yet - stay tuned) | Panel
Games and Simulations for Military Training | (nothing yet - stay tuned) |
Fri 1500 | (nothing yet - stay tuned) | Panel
Games and Simulations for Military Training | (nothing yet - stay tuned) |
Fri 1600 | (nothing yet - stay tuned) | Robinson
The Legacy of Colonialism | (nothing yet - stay tuned) |
Fri 1700 | Caffrey
Technology as an Element of Military Strategy | (nothing yet - stay tuned) | (nothing yet - stay tuned) |
Fri 1800 | Caffrey
Changing Past
Changing Perspectives on the ACW | Desy
Is the United States in Decline? Is the Foreign Policy of the United States a Failure? | (nothing yet - stay tuned) |
Fri 1900 | (nothing yet - stay tuned) | (nothing yet - stay tuned) | (nothing yet - stay tuned) |
Fri 2000 | Bliss
American & British Coast Defense in the Victorian Era | (nothing yet - stay tuned) | (nothing yet - stay tuned) |
Fri 2100 | (nothing yet - stay tuned) | (nothing yet - stay tuned) | (nothing yet - stay tuned) |
Fri 2200 | (nothing yet - stay tuned) | (nothing yet - stay tuned) | (nothing yet - stay tuned) |
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Sat 0900 | | Mosher & Robinson
Modern Russia:Domestic and International Choices | Staff Wargaming
Decisive Action |
Sat 1000 | T.Powell
The Voronezh Front and 4th Panzer Army
Battle for Kiev 1943 | Mosher & Robinson
Modern Russia:Domestic and International Choices | Staff Wargaming
Decisive Action |
Sat 1100 | (nothing yet - stay tuned) | Caffrey
Impact of the First 200 Years of Modern Wargaming | Staff Wargaming
Decisive Action |
Sat 1200 | Mosher
Space 1889: Imperialism in that Universe (sanctioned by Frank Chadwick) | Caffrey
Impact of the First 200 Years of Modern Wargaming | Staff Wargaming
Decisive Action |
Sat 1300 | Mosher
Space 1889: Imperialism in that Universe (sanctioned by Frank Chadwick) | Guillory, K
Eyeball-to-Eyeball with the Soviets
The early days of arms control | (nothing yet - stay tuned) |
Sat 1400 | (nothing yet - stay tuned) | Caffrey
Anticipating the Next 200 Years of Wargaming's Impact | (nothing yet - stay tuned) |
Sat 1500 | (nothing yet - stay tuned) | (nothing yet - stay tuned) | Staff Wargaming
Persian Incursion and Nuclear Containment |
Sat 1600 | (nothing yet - stay tuned) | Desy
Is the United States in Decline? Is the Economy of the United States Failing? | Staff Wargaming
Persian Incursion and Nuclear Containment |
Sat 1700 | (nothing yet - stay tuned) | Desy
Is the United States in Decline? Is the Economy of the United States Failing? | Staff Wargaming
Persian Incursion and Nuclear Containment |
Sat 1800 | (nothing yet - stay tuned) | (nothing yet - stay tuned) | Staff Wargaming
Persian Incursion and Nuclear Containment |
Sat 1900 | (nothing yet - stay tuned) | (nothing yet - stay tuned) | (nothing yet - stay tuned) |
Sat 2000 | (nothing yet - stay tuned) | NSDM
Global Hotspots Seminar | (nothing yet - stay tuned) |
Sat 2100 | (nothing yet - stay tuned) | NSDM
Global Hotspots Seminar | (nothing yet - stay tuned) |
Sat 2200 | (nothing yet - stay tuned) | NSDM
Whither NSDM ? | (nothing yet - stay tuned) |
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