10 July 2010

Don't Ask, Don't Tell Survey Leaked

The military's Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell survey has sneaked out, and it doesn't look like Wikileaks did anything this time.

Defense Secretary Robert Gates strongly urged gays and lesbians to participate in the survey in a press conference Thursday and assured them their identities would remain private. His remarks came after the Servicemembers Legal Defense Network, a gay advocacy group, warned that gay solders could be inadvertently outed and discharged from the military by filling out the questionnaire. So long as the Don't Ask policy remains in place, the group stressed, any soldier telling the army that he or she is gay might be vulnerable to discharge.

Still, the questions on the survey are noteworthy for not assuming that the military's gay ban will be repealed. One question reads: "If Don't Ask, Don't Tell is repealed and you had on-base housing and a gay or lesbian service member was living with a same-sex partner on-base, what would you most likely do?"

Here's the survey.

By: Brant

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