03 November 2010

GrogNews Drive-Thru of Other MilBlogs

Taking a quick afternoon loop through some other great content on the web, we want to draw your attention to the following...

DefenseTech asks a very provocative question about the role that corporations will play in future security issues. It almost makes you wonder how prescient Tomorrow Knights really is...

Critical Threats has a very pessimistic assessment of the current situation in Mogadishu, pointing out that, among other things, the government is rather powerless even its own 'capital' and that the AU is the only thing keeping it close to in power.

Agile Flux has some very good points about knowledge management in the military space.

An Afghan journalists laments the half-hearted attempts at democracy there, and describes the corruption that de-legitimizes the electoral process. Oh, and they want to throw out the US with the Taliban...

How important are human relationships when fighting terrorism? DefenseTech has the latest article, but Shachtman pointed this out almost 4 years ago in WIRED. And FusionNET had cracked that code back in 2005 for XVIII Airborne Corps, and Map-HT is relearning that lesson now, and CIDNE continues to insist that anyone who wants their information to solve the same problems has to go through them.

By: Brant

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